
Overcoming the Toughest Challenges in HR and Finance Departments with Enterprise Service Management (ESM) – Part 1

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  • Overcoming the Toughest Challenges in HR and Finance Departments with Enterprise Service Management (ESM) – Part 1

I won’t be wrong if I say the Human Resource (HR) and Finance Departments are the most crucial departments in any organisation. The HR department is primarily responsible for recruiting and managing the manpower of the organization, and the Finance, of course, the money! 😊

“With great power, comes great responsibility”, is an interesting quote that is popular with fictional superheroes fans, and it clearly fits into the narrative of how complex and challenging the processes and tasks are in the HR and Finance department.

Allow me to share a few of these challenges …

For HR departments:

  • Long wait times for employees to get help from HR.
  • Difficulty for new employees to find the information they need as regards their onboarding.
  • Inconsistent or inaccurate information provided by HR staff.
  • Errors in employee records.
  • Difficulty for employees to resolve HR issues.

I could go on and on, because I have also had my fair share of constantly bugging the HR department with the most popular phrase among new recruits “So, what should I do next?” 😂

For the Finance departments, they are faced with these challenges:

  • Long wait times for employees to get reimbursed for expenses.
  • Difficulty for employees to track the status of their invoices.
  • Errors in payroll or benefits processing.
  • Difficulty reconciling accounts.
  • Difficulty generating financial reports on time.
  • Difficulty complying with tax and other regulatory requirements.

I am very concerned about that for the Finance departments, I mean, no one likes to wait for too long before getting a reimbursement of expenses. But I totally understand how daunting most of the process in the Finance department can be, hence the delays.

For so long, the I.T. departments have had access to solutions and tools that helped them achieve what I would like to call “order of things”. ITSM is a popular concept among I.T. professionals, and it stands for I.T. Service Management, a concept about making sure that I.T. services are aligned with the needs of the business and that they are delivered in a way that is efficient, effective, and affordable.

Here is a simple analogy to help you understand ITSM:

Imagine that you are running a restaurant. Your I.T. services are like the food that you serve to your customers. You want to make sure that your food is delicious, affordable, and served on time. ITSM is like the kitchen in your restaurant. It is where all of the work is done to prepare and deliver the food to your customers.

In case you are new to the concept of ITSM, you can read our blog post on it here:

A powerful tool that can help you achieve this said service quality is the SolarWinds Service Desk; a cloud based I.T. service management (ITSM) platform that provides a unified view of all IT services and assets, helping organizations automate many of the tasks involved in managing I.T. services, such as incident management, problem management, change management, and release management.

Now let’s come back to our earlier discussion, how do we bring this benefit that ITSM has into departments like the HR and Finance who have seemingly complex and challenging processes? One simple answer; Enterprise Service Management (ESM)

It doesn’t stop here! You can read more in our next article.

Read here: https://blog.ha-shem.com/overcoming-the-toughest-challenges-in-hr-and-finance-departments-with-enterprise-service-management-esm-part-2/

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