
Finding Balance for a Better World – 2019 International Women’s Day

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  • Finding Balance for a Better World – 2019 International Women’s Day
gender balance

To Whom It May Concern,

Just like perfection, I’ve always wondered if balance is just an illusion we have been told to chase. Much of our lives these days, if permitted, will be played out from the perspective of “reported speech”. The problem with reported speech is that there is a possibility of leaving out what is necessary just to make our story look good. What we don’t realise is that a story worth telling should have a villain as well as a hero, a protagonist as well as an antagonist, a beginning but not necessarily a fairy-tale ending. That’s where balance begins.

Balance is reached when you are able to define the too much and the too little. It is somewhat meeting someone halfway with the purpose of making progress.

Balance is reached when you are able to define the too much and the too little. It is somewhat meeting someone halfway with the purpose of making progress.

Where can you find balance?

  • Stating the problem but also searching for a solution
  • Blending in where necessary but standing out all the time
  • Walking the walk but also talking the talk
  • Knowing when to close the door to old chapters while opening the door for better opportunities
  • Deciding when working hard pays more than working smart

More than words, let’s take action. So, I’m calling on women all around the world, starting today, balance your feet on the floor you are walking on. Take a few steps where necessary, and make a decision to strive for balance…oh wait, I am not done yet. Don’t just settle for balance – aim at balance for a better world where we are recognised equally.

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